single player



  • 1. The game begins by selecting a secret word or phrase.
  • 2. The player must then guess a letter in the word or phrase.
  • 3. If the guessed letter is in the word, it is revealed in its correct position(s) in the word.
  • 4. If the guessed letter is not in the word, a part of the 'hangman' (a stick figure or other visual representation) is drawn. The player can continue guessing letters until the hangman is completely drawn, resulting in a loss.
  • 5. The player has the option to ask for a hint if they are stuck. The hint may reveal a particular letter in the word or provide a clue related to the secret word or phrase.
  • 6. If the player correctly guesses the word or phrase, they win the game.
  • 7. If the player loses the game, they can try guessing the word or phrase again with the help of a hint.